Investing in gold mining industries

ستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعال

Is under reconstruction
Invitation to invest in the following issues:
1- Investing in the construction of a concentrate processing plant (10 items)
2. Construction of a gold mining plant from cathode, ornaments, concentrates
3. Construction of mercury production plant
4. Construction of a silver processing plant
5- Construction of the factory
6- Trading Gold Trading
7. Supply of Mining Machinery
8- Buyer of concentrate production line (second group)
9. Buyer of Gold Mining Machinery
10. Ready to cooperate in the construction of a gold factory in other drains
Negotiation terms:
Preparing and sending letters and financial and business day
Choose investment topic
Sending Invitation to Managing Director: Alireza Sistani Zadeh Aghdam and his entourage
Accept payment of all expatriation trip travel expenses
Having financial power
Deposite $ 200,000

Email : این آدرس ایمیل توسط spambots حفاظت می شود. برای دیدن شما نیاز به جاوا اسکریپت دارید

Web :

Tel : +98(021)66374239


whatsapp&mobile: +989120933277

گروه شرکتای لبخند کاغذی(lakagold) کپی رایت کلیه حقوق معنوی و مادی و مدنی این سایت بدون اخذ اجازه کتبی مجاز نیست و پیگرد قانونی دارد )

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